This is the mother of all backlogs, I tell you.
This was our first trip to Siargao three years ago. The place which swept us off our feet in a matter of seconds. I just felt like I need to share this for a handful of reasons.
1. We already fulfilled our promise that we will go back here. We did and now we want to go back again and for a much longer vacation.
2. I was pregnant the first time we went here and the little one is turning two in a few months time.
3. It would be selfish not to share, the place is a parcel of my heaven.
4. It's summer!!!
These photos were taken by the husband. Shot in film which still amazes me until now. Shot with Canon AE-1 Program 50mm 1:1.8 FD lens attached with a wide angle fish eye converter. Film: Kodak Ultra Max 400

We literally toured the whole Siargao!
1st day: Cebu. Siargao. Dapa. Taktak Falls. Alegria Beach. Pacifico Beach. General Luna.
2nd day: Magpupungko Beach. Lagoon. Natural Pools. Philippine Deep. General Luna Stretch. Island Hopping. Naked Island. Dako Island. Guyam Island. Cloud 9. Pansukian Tropical Resort. General Luna. Boulevard.
3rd day: Port. Socorro. Hidden Island. Club Tara. Rock Islands. Beach with no name. Sohoton Cave. Bucas Grande Island.
4th day: Dapa. Siargao. CebuLabels: beach blog, beach fashion, beach fashion blog, beaches, Cebu, Philippine beaches, Siargao, Siargao beaches, Siargao Island, Surigao
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