Sunday, January 30, 2011
Baby Gender
I constantly found myself swooning over those cute tiny pink tutus, little white lacey dresses, teensy-weensy zebra-printed cardigan and almost shed a tear over the red little loafers. We would have been matching, from hair do to dresses and swimsuits. We will spend our Sundays painting our nails and annoying our boys over our petty rants. We would have tea parties with our girl Ms. Hepburn.
“It’s a boy!”, said my doctor. I held back my tears as much as I can.
It wasn’t easy. But my husband is amazing in more ways than one. “Don’t you like that? You will be our princess? And I will tell our boys, we will have to take care of mommy because she is our unica hija.”
And I cried and cried and cried.
No Amalia or Matilda just yet but I sure cannot wait to welcome our Jose Santiago in our growing family ♥