Thursday, October 28, 2010

I am so thrilled! Wedding Essentials featured our wedding kiss for their "Kiss" feature! WE! They must have felt my happiness and bajillion kiligs. A wedding kiss is definitely not just a kiss. It's a kiss unsurpassed, unequaled! Yes, even better than the first kiss, way better ♥
Labels: Beautiful Weddings, Wedding Essentials, Wedding Kiss
MacVB | | # | 
Monday, October 4, 2010
What to Blog?
I am overwhelmed with the requests as to what to blog about and I am thrilled that they are topics I'd gladly and giddily share. And I am so thankful that my readers from my blog before (The Daily Blah) are still here eagerly waiting for my upcoming posts ♥
Here are some of the requests:
THE WEDDING - I've really been meaning to blog about my June wedding last year but I did not have the time and avenue to do so. But I'd love to share every juicy details.
TRAVELS - This is one thing I am very passionate about, may it be discovering pristine, hidden islands here in the Philippines or getting lost in a foreign city. My friends have always asked me details about my travels - where to stay, dine, party. And soon, I will be updating my blog about my recent and dated travels.
OUTFITS - This one, I am not very sure. Haha! I used to post "What I wore" in my old blog but now I find it too, uhh, tedious. But who knows, vanity may knock for a visit :)
BEAUTY - This is one thing I am sure I cannot blog about. Haha! I have very little knowledge with cosmetics and I only know the basics of the basics :D Coupled with the fact that I have very sensitive skin so all my skin products are all, let's say, boring :)) I stick with what I call, the essentials - Aveeno, Cetaphil and Clinique :)
So, keep posted, darlings! ♥
MacVB | | # |